Sunday, March 8, 2020

Writers' Pantry #10: March is a month of considerable contemplation

Jason Leung, closed terraces, Unsplash
“Or maybe spring is the season of love and fall the season of mad lust. Spring for flirting but fall for the untamed delicious wild thing.” ― Elizabeth Cohen

Greetings everyone! Hope you are in high spirits! This is Sanaa and I am back with another exciting Writers' Pantry this Sunday. 

The early morning light, soft and diffused, paves way for the approach of Spring. The Spring equinox is expected to fall on Thursday, March 19, which is earlier than it has been in over a century! The last time it arrived this early was 1896!  

On the other hand, in the Southern Hemisphere, March equinox will mark the beginning of Autumn. Soon, the golds and reds will carpet the grass. The chilled rain, perfect for dousing the soil, as much as the earnestness of wet eyes.

Announcements and Reminders:

The topic for next Weekly Scribblings is "Early Bird or Night Owl?" With Daylight Saving Time messing with everyone's sleep schedule, Rommy got to thinking about sleep cycles and preferences, which is why she would like us to shape our work around the idea of early birds, night owls or both. 

Rosemary won our hearts with "Wild Fridays #9: I Wish I'd Written This," where she featured an incredibly poignant poem by Anne Michaels. Do scroll back and check it out in case you have missed it! 

Remember, you have one entire week to participate in prompts now. Just keep it mind that some people may have moved on to their next project after a couple of days, so entries posted later might not receive many visitors. 

For now, I invite you to share your entry as Poets and Storytellers United welcomes both poetry and prose (i.e. stories, essays, articles) feel free to link anything old or new and relish in the work of others. Also, if you opt to share prose then please keep it to 369 words or fewer.

Pierre Bamin, Unsplash
And now, without further ado, let us dive into the Pantry! Looking forward to grabbing a cup of tea and reading you all! See you on the trail!💝


  1. We here in Australia are in Autumn now (what some Northern Hemisphere people call Fall; but we don't have so many trees with leaves that fall like that). However the poem I'm sharing is still contemplating our recent Summer, which will take a lot of getting over.

    Thanks for hosting the Pantry, Sanaa.

    1. Loved your poem, Rosemary! It's the same case here in Autumn, we also do not have many trees with leaves like the ones I described ..which is why I incorporate them in verse. Happy Sunday!💝🍹

  2. Good morning Sanaa,
    How nice to find you at the helm today! I woke up early this morning, to find two young deer in my garden! Which I took as a sign and a blessing... As you know, I have a new poem on my site this week, which is a rather more personal one for the beginning of Spring - along with some other stuff too, to share with everyone. Looking forward to reading everyone else's new creations today too...x

    1. Thank you so much, Scott 😃 I'll be sure to check it out. Happy Sunday!💝🍹

  3. Hello all and cheers to you Sanaa for hosting.
    This early morning is quite chilly, the sky a little grey, but the sun is peaking through and hopefully will win out the day.
    Happy Sunday.
    Anna :o]

    1. So nice to have you here with us, Anna! Here the sky is cloudy and the wind is a bit chilly.. we are transitioning into Spring. Happy Sunday to you too! Cheers 💝🍹

  4. Hello, I link a piece of fiction writing. Dystopian fantasy is maybe the best way to describe it.

    1. Sounds great! Heading over to read you, Happy Sunday, Bjorn! 💝🍹

  5. A couple of very short stories from now on. The big post didn't go down well last week. I've just added the 2nd story to the post. Why not a new post? Well, first of all the links at the top advertise all 4 prompts to each other to see if writers can spread their wings a little further. And second, I want to consistently show possible participants the amount of feedback achievable when i start going round the writers sites. Oh, and if you go onto keyudos, you'll see I've created a sticky post with the prompts schedule.

    1. Ah yes, I quite liked your short story and recall reading it earlier. Happy Sunday, Anthony!💝🍹

  6. Spring is the loveliest season, the last fee years we have had Spring most all winter, no freeze or lots of frost. The grass has been staying green, the annuals remain with blossoms through winter, i.e. no "last rose of summer here."
    I'm entering a 'Post Card' poem that I wrote for Margaret's Opening Day entry for her new Artist Interpretations portal for our work along that line
    Actually it is Opening Weekd as her postcard art prompt, Old Coney Island snapshot is open for two weeks, she plans to keep her Art Picture prompt open for half a month. COME SEE and write her (mine was a Son to Father message but it is wide open, not needing to be a message.

    1. A Post Card poem sounds lovely! Heading over to read you, Jim. Happy Sunday!💝🍹

  7. Good Morning and a blessed Sunday to all

    much love...

    1. A blessed Sunday to you too, Gillena!💝🍹

      much love...

  8. Moving slow(er) will try to to catch up later today.

  9. A short little micropoem reflecting on winter now that Spring is on the horizon. (I love the quote by Elizabeth Cohen!!)

    1. Thank you so much, Lori 😃 so glad you enjoyed it. Happy Sunday!💝🍹

  10. Good day, people!
    got around to post a poem today. :)

    1. Good day to you too, Cheong!😃 Heading over to read you!💝🍹

  11. Returning after a long hiatus. Happy Sunday to all!

    1. Welcome back, Abin!😃 Happy Sunday to you as well!💝🍹

  12. Sanaa, I am so in love with your introductory quote. It has filled me with smiles. The same goes for today's contributions--so much yum!

    Thanks a bunch for hosting so brightly.

    1. Thank you so much, gorgeous 😘 so glad you enjoyed it! May you always keep smiling. Happy Sunday!💝🍹


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.