Sunday, August 1, 2021

Writers’ Pantry #81: No More Blogger “Follow by Email” Widget

Blogger has discontinued its Follow by Email widget. That leaves us with the good old Followers widget and Bloglovin, which work just fine. However, I suspect that some us might miss getting new posts directly in our inboxes.

We have yet to come up with a replacement for the ‘Follow by Email’ widget. In fact, we would like your input:

1. Do you think that the ‘Followers’ widget and Bloglovin’ are enough?


2. Would you rather receive new posts updates via email?

In the meantime, if you wish to receive future posts via email (while we’re figuring things out), please use the Contact Form on the right sidebar to send us the following message: Add me to the P&SU new posts list. Here is my email:”. Whoever is hosting—Rosemary, Magaly, or Rommy—will make sure that you get the new posts. And we promise that we’ll only use the email you provide for the stated purpose.

So, my dear poets and storytellers, if you aren’t doing it already, please know that you can follow Poets and Storytellers United using our Followers widget and Bloglovin’, which can be found on our right sidebar. And if you wish to receive updates in your inbox, please see our Contact Form and follow the guidance offered above.

Now, the Pantry is open! Share your prose or your poetry. Let your contributions be new or old, short or longish (if going for prose, the word count should be 369 words or fewer). As usual, one link per participant. Please, do visit other writers; and take the time to let them know what their words do for you. Let us write (and discuss)!

- for our next Weekly Scribblings, Rosemary will ask us to write about change and renewal.

To follow P&SU with Bloglovin, click the image above
(or on the right sidebar).
To add P&SU to your Blogger Reader List, check out the sidebar and click “Follow”.

To get new posts via email, use our Contact Form
(details in post).


  1. Thanks, Magaly. Personally I am happy to be able to get my weekly updates from Bloglovin' rather than a crowd of individual emails.

    1. I, too, enjoy seeing my updates on Bloglovin'. It's nice and neat. And, like you suggest, frees personal inboxes from clutter.

  2. I personally never subscribe to blogs via E-mail. I prefer my feed reader (not Bloglovin'). Thanks for letting us know though!

  3. Good day, poets!
    Followers widget is good enough for me. :)

  4. I've always commented simply by usimg the comment box on each artist's entry. The e-mail notification has always been a PITA to me, as they clutter my e-mail and have to be deleted. Personally, I'm glad to see that function end. I'm waiting for my muse to wake up for a Writers' Pantry entry this morning. It's a beautiful sunny day with mild temperature in my world. Happy morning all!

    1. Good (and very happy) morning, Bev! The email notification this post refers to is not for comments, but for getting new posts. There are people who don't use their Reading List, which is created by Blogger when we hit the "Follow" button, so getting new posts notifications works for them. When it comes to comment notification, I'm right with you. I would go mad if I was notified of every comment on blogs I comment.

  5. Hope you all had a good weekend! :-)

  6. Hi Magaly, hi all! :) Just posted a link to a piece I wrote sbout John Denver, and the love he and his wife had for gardening — John even sings about it on my post. ;)

  7. Thanks, Magaly, for the notice. I follow a few from old times but don't get their posts in my eMail. A few from other blog platforms come but I seldom read them. Some get notifications from me, it might be using blogger that will stop.
    Some of my April NaPoWriMo posts only have a very few or no evidence of being read, my post today is such. I posted late so I'm not expecting even all the regular readers to read this one.
    Thank you for hosting.

    1. You are most welcome, Jim. You posted late and I'm reading super late. I guess we've balance each other.

  8. Ditto what everyone else has said. I'm still getting my feet wet in all this, so going with the flow is the name of the current game for me.

  9. I follow through Blogspot...but for some reason I'm not seeing any Linkies today. Google is just one disappointment after another, anywhere in my part of the world, these days.

    1. I think sometimes the problems are with particular browsers (not always the same ones) — and then sometimes it IS a Google glitch.

  10. Read our blog to learn more about the best practices for sending follow-up emails when you don’t get a reply!


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