Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Weekly Scribblings #82: “War is over! If you want it.”

Greetings, my dear poets and storytellers. I hope all is well with you, or as well as it can be. Around these parts, many of us are worried about children going back to school in person in the time of COVID (especially with the Delta Variant wreaking havoc, and so many individuals refusing to get vaccinated). Sometimes, I feel like all we can do is cross our fingers and wish for the best. Other times, screaming (and shaking certain people) seems like a reasonable solution.

But since you aren’t here to hear me ramble about my pandemic worries, let us move on to the Scribblings. Today’s prompt was inspired by the title of a video  (see below). Even before watching the short piece, John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s words, “War is over! If you want it brewed all sorts of thoughts in my head. So... for today’s prompt, I wish to invite you to write using those words as inspiration.

Share poetry or prose, fiction or nonfiction, short or long(ish) pieces—if choosing prose, the word count should be 369 words or fewer. Add the direct link to your contribution. We welcome new pieces, recent or newish pieces (i.e., written in the last 30 days), and older pieces which have been substantially rewritten (not just slightly tweaked, here and there. If possible, please include in your post a link to the previous version). As always, we encourage you to visit other poets and storytellers. Let them know what their words make you think and feel.

 Let us write, read, discuss… and grow!


  1. Sorry for the first wrong link. I agree, there is a lot we could write of. I'll leave imaginations as mine could cover a lot.
    Thank you, Magaly, for the neat orompt.

    1. Hi, Jim. I've tidied up your link for you. (Magaly's probably asleep by now.) What you did worked fine; being able to go behind the scenes I was able to make it even smoother.

    2. Thank you for taking care of things, Rosemary. And yep, I was totally snoozing.

  2. Hi Rosemary you visited my blog while i was editing. I understand your confusion. Pleas drop by again☺

    1. LOL. I'm glad I wasn't having sudden onset dementia!

  3. Quite the thought-provoking challenge ..... Happy Wednesday all!

  4. Thank you for hosting Magaly. This piece I posted a link to is written in hard truth. Sorry if it is difficult for some, including the music that accompanies it.


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