Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Writings #136: “begin by doing small things”

How do you begin a new project, get involved in a new cause, or start over after life has forced you to take a break from the kind of living you’ve always done? Do you make a list? Do you leap into things and hope for the best? How do you begin to live differently… when you must?

All those questions have been dancing in my skull. And the more I think about them, the more I believe that, for me, doing a wee bit at the time is the only way to go. With that in mind, dear poets and storytellers, for today’s optional prompt, I invite you to write poetry or prose inspired by a quote that’s starting to feel like a mantra for me and my current needs: “We can begin by doing small things…” ~ Grace Lee Boggs

Required: Add the direct link to your response to Mister Linky. One post per participant, please. 369 words maximum (excluding title), for prose and for poetry.

Optional: You may share old or new pieces of poetry or prose, and you may write to the prompt or to a topic of your choosing.

Requested (not compulsory but strongly recommended): Visit other writers. Read their contributions. Let them know how you feel about their inked feels.

for next week, our Rommy will ask us to be inspired by the phrase “at the last minute”.


  1. Thank you for the prompt Magaly - Jae

  2. I haven't been on such a long and arduous journey as you, but even a couple of weeks of COVID and gradual recovery have made me very familiar with minimal 'doing': very limited activities and responsibilities.
    However – or in keeping – I'm giving you a poem not written for the prompt, but earlier, which nevertheless seems like a case in point.

    1. I remember having COVID a couple of years ago. It was no picnic. So, take care of yourself--particularly your lungs--get lots of rest.

  3. original poem disappeared...first time wrote another one. Enjoy your weekend everyone...It's a sunny Sunday here today, first time in a long time...Rall

    1. Fixed your link, hon! Sunny here today too. (Smile.)


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