Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Writings #137: At the Last Minute


Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! Today's optional prompt was inspired by a visit to TV Tropes. The one that caught my eye was Last Minute Reprieve. Although TV Tropes says it really isn't used much anymore in a serious way, a related trope The Cavalry definitely is alive and well (and regularly memed by the youth of today). 

So many memes with this clip show how well loved this trope is

So while your take on it does not have to be as dramatic as the Avengers (though who am I to stop you is you want to include lightning bolts, magic hammers, or bedazzled gloves that control reality), today's optional prompt is "at the last minute". I'm taking prose and poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Just remember to keep your pieces 369 words or fewer and one post per person, please.

Next week, Rosemary will be asking for reflections on the advice, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’


  1. Ah, fiction – where the cavalry always arrives just in the nick of time, and the fight is always between the goodies on one side and the baddies on the other.

    1. LOL, it's on TV Tropes for a very good reason. :D

  2. Thank you for the prompt Rommy

    1. Thank you very much for participating, Jae!


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