Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Writings #134: It's a Dirty Job

Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! I am slowly but surely recuperating from my brush with COVID-19. Most of the household got sick. Only Darling Youngest remained unaffected. I am super grateful he was able to keep the house afloat and everyone well stocked with tea, water, and soup. 

So in honor of his Herculean efforts, I am using "It's a dirty job but someone has to do it" as this week's optional prompt. What thoughts come up for you when you hear that phrase. As always, I'll take poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction. Just be sure to keep your entries to 369 words or fewer and just one entry per person please.

Next week, Rosemary will ask us to take one of our poems or stories and turn it into a new piece of writing by removing some words and/or sections.


  1. Thank you for the tidy up prompt! Jae

  2. Here is a poem of just one of my many "dirty jobs".

    1. LOL, we all have to do them at some point in our lives.

  3. Yay, for leaving the COVID monster behind!

    1. As soon as this last bit of coughing is gone, watch out world!


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