Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Writings #130: About that Quote…

Greetings, word lovers. I hope you are having a very good day. Mine isn’t too bad. I’m home after spending some quality time at the hospital, my garden is starting to bloom, my pain isn’t as debilitating as it was last week, and being on bed rest meant that I could listen to audiobooks for as long as I was conscious—silver linings and all that. Now, if I could only write in the same way… Sigh. Dictation is a bit problematic for me. I’m a chronic reviser, and my speech-to-text program is not good for that. But you know what it’s great for? Saving quotes! And I so love me a quote
(or 100).

Speaking of reading and quotations and other awesome things, for today’s optional prompt, I invite you to write poetry or prose inspired by a quote from the last book you read. Please share the actual quote and book title at end of your post (because effective quote hoarding takes a village).

Required: Add the direct link to your response to Mister Linky. One post per participant, please, 369 words maximum (excluding title), for prose and for poetry.

Optional: You may share old or new pieces of poetry or prose, and you may write to the prompt or to a topic of your choosing.

Requested (not compulsory but strongly recommended): Visit other poets and storytellers. Read their contributions. Share your thoughts on their words.

for next week, Rommy will be asking us to repurpose. She wishes us to write poetry or prose about something (someone? 🤭) we’ve recycled or repurposed in our lives.


  1. Thank you for the prompt - Jae

  2. Hi there Magaly and all,

    Greetings and trust this finds you well. Great to be back here again.

    Given that we were due to be publishing something new on the website this summer, I’ve been holding on this one for a while but seems like its time has come now.
    So this the very latest post on the website to share with you all – 'For T.S. Eliot.'

    After all, whether you call it a ‘Wasteland’ of not, it’s still the very same landscape that we are both, in our way, looking to fathom…

    Hope you get something out if it and similarly look forward to reading all your new stuff real soon.

    Regards as ever


    1. How wonderful! "The Waste Land" is one of my favorite poems, ever. So, I more than looking forward to reading your contribution.

  3. Thank you for this prompt - very interesting

  4. Hi all! 😉 I wrote a piece about books, and this week it fit nicely with Poets & Storytellers, as well as WGO, and dVerse. Hope you enjoy it.✌🏼🫶🏼

  5. My favorite quote is “There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.”
    ― quote from Michael Ende’s novel, “The Neverending Story”


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.