Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Writings #129: What Do You Hear?


Hello again, dear Word Weavers. 

I trust you're all well and happy. Now – listen up! 

Going  through my old files recently, I came across the following poem of mine, which then inspired this week’s prompt:

is nonexistent.  Deep night
contains the crackling fire
the pop of swelling boards
my dog’s breathing.
Sometimes a frog
or a choir of crickets.
The fridge creaks and whirrs.
Listen deeper, and hear
the hum of the air-waves
outside, not quite subliminal;
a message we ignore.
And the pump of my heart
excited, loud in my ears.
Silence is the condition
of being still enough
to hear all we never hear,
to hear all the small
important sounds that break
the silence. If there were
© Rosemary Nissen-Wade 1989
First published Yarra Valley Writers.
Also in my collection, Secret Leopard (now only available as an ebook from Smashwords).

So, for your optional prompt this time, I invite you to explore the question, 'What do I hear?' You may definitely include what you do not hear! Other possibilities include what sounds (human or non-human) you hear around you, what you hear on the news or in the street, what your heart tells you, what messages the past may have, and so on.

Guidelines: One post per person; poetry or prose, old or new; not exceeding 369 words (apart from title); add that post on Mister Linky below; when possible, please read other people's posts and leave an encouraging comment. And of course you are free to ignore the prompt if you like, and give us some other treat from your pen!

Next week, Magaly will invite us to write poetry or prose inspired by a quote from the last book we read. And she wants us to share the actual quote and book title at end of the post (because she’s an interesting quote hoarder).



This photo of an attentively listening cat is by Zane Lee on Unsplash 



  1. Thank you for the prompt- Jae

    1. Delighted you like it, Jae. I love your poem in response.

  2. Wow your poem is beautiful Rosemary

  3. Thank you for the prompt - It was interesting .

  4. I shared a poem filled with onomatopoeia “sounds”…. 🙂✌🏼🫶🏼

    1. Ooh, I love that kind of thing. Can't wait to get over there and read it.

  5. Priscilla, I have corrected your link. You had linked to an older piece, which didn't seem right to me so I looked and found the new one.

  6. Rosemary ~~~ your poem is gorgeous and illustrates how wonderful, the sounds of silence.

    1. Thank you. I was living on a rural property at the time, so there was plenty of apparent silence to explore.

  7. Good day, Poets & Storytellers.

    Been busy with other stuff lately (no, not remotely related to writing). Good to read you guys. :)


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