Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Writings #128: Itty Bity


Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! I've been practicing a seasonal form of tea that uses extra small equipment that fits into a little box, so my mind has been on all things wee. For this week's optional prompt I invite you to write about something small (like a raindrop, a ladybug... or a lie). I'll take poetry and prose, fiction and non-fiction. Just remember, one entry per person and keep them to 369 words or fewer.

Next week, Rosemary will invite us to explore the question, "What do I hear?"


  1. Thank you for the prompt will try and visit this week apologies for falling behind on that. Everybody’s comments are appreciated- Jae

    1. Looks as if you know what's happened to my comments, Jae! Google is refusing to recognize people who are signed in to our Google/Blogger accounts when we comment on some other Blogger/Blogspot blogs, though still recognizing us on others...if our computers are set to block cookies.

      Pris cilla King

    2. Always lovely to read your beautiful work, Jae! And I appreciate your recent comments on mine.

  2. And, if those Blogspot blogs are set to block "anonymous" comments...let's just say I have been reading your poems, Jae. I find hypervigilant computer systems annoying, so if comments don't show up promptly I just hit CTRL-W and move on.


    1. Thank you PK I have trouble logging into blogger too - thanks for your reply - Jae

  3. Looks like blogger is being a nuisance again. Ah technology! But I'm glad to see the responses.

  4. Thank you PK for the explanation . I refused cookies also and have the same problem.


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.