Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Writings #125: Favorite Words


Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! I recently finished re-reading Wee Free Men. While there are many fun and wonderfully memorable bits in that book, this time around I took special delight in Tiffany Aching's little quirks, like her love of the word "susurrus". When I was younger, my favorite word was "flamboyant" and I remember loving to look at things to decide if they were truly flamboyant or not. (Admittedly my standards were low. As I recall, plain red umbrellas qualified, just so I could have the chance to use the word).

It's not just me and Tiffany. A lot of people have favorite words.

So for this week's optional prompt, I shall ask you to think of one of your favorite words and use that as inspiration for a poetry or prose piece. Please also indicate somewhere in your post which word you chose to work with. As always, I'm open to fiction and non-fiction. Just please keep your words to 369 or fewer, and one entry per person.

Next week, Rosemary will ask us to write a poem or story (or a few) in only 160 characters including title and spaces. (If you choose to write more than one, please put them all in one post and make sure that collectively they don't exceed our 369 word limit.)

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