Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Writings #127: All I want is…

Greetings, my dear poets and storytellers. How is life in your bit of the universe? Have you written or read or listened to something that added to your life? Or, perhaps, like me, you just listened to a song (or most of a song) that left you frustrated. I know how specific that sounds, but… I’m blaming it all on torn back muscles, an MRI that took forever, and terrible sound. I usually ask MRI technicians to turn off the music, but I was distracted by pain and totally forgot. To add to the general misery, the headphones weren’t working properly, and I was left only hearing random words and partial phrases. One of which inspired today’s optional prompt.  

So, I invite you to write poetry or prose which includes the phrase all I want is. Since I might never know what the person in the song wanted then, I shall satisfy my curiosity by reading what you and your muse want now.  

Required: Add the direct link to your response to Mister Linky. One post per participant, please, 369 words maximum (excluding title), for prose and for poetry.

Optional: You may share old or new pieces of poetry or prose, and you may write to the prompt or to a topic of your choosing.

Requested (not compulsory but strongly recommended): Visit other poets and storytellers. Read their contributions. Share your thoughts on their words.

for next week, Rommy will be asking us to write about something small (a raindrop, a ladybug, a lie, etc.).


  1. Many thanks, Magaly, for looking after us despite torn muscles and other frustrations. Very inspiring prompt!

    1. Thank you, my Rosemary, for giving me a reason.

  2. Thank you for this prompt - it is thought provoking.

  3. Wanted to share a bit of Jabberwok-inspired whimsical absurdity Magaly. It’s a love story… ♥️😏✌🏼

  4. Enjoyed this prompt. Thank you .Oops could you please delete the Cressida entry......Rall

  5. Thank you for the prompt as ever a good one - Jae


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