Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Writings #131: Glorious Repurpose


Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! Today's optional prompt is brought to you by a silly thing I saw on the internet.

After I was done giggling, I started thinking about repurposed things in general. This week's optional prompt is to write about something (someone? 🤭) we’ve recycled or repurposed in our lives. Either poetry or prose is fine, as is fiction or nonfiction. Just keep your entries to 369 words or fewer and just one piece per person, please.

Next week, Rosemary will  ask our writing to be inspired by the phrase, ‘an elegant sufficiency'.


  1. That picture, with its tongue-in-cheek comment, makes me giggle too.

  2. The prompt started to shake loose some dust. Thank you

    1. Welcome! And may our future prompts continue to do so.

    2. I am so glad my silliness helped with the dusting process!

  3. For all who used to write with her, Kay Davies passed away. Penelope has copied one of her poems this week. A good review for her is here,

    1. Thanks, Jim. Your link didn't work for me, but I was able to find obituaries by Googling her name. I didn't know Kay, except through Penelope's post this week, but she sounds like a wonderful person and writer, and a great loss to those who knew and loved her.

    2. I didn't know her either, but it seems like she touched so many with her beautiful words.


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