Sunday, June 20, 2021

Writers’ Pantry #75: I Just Want to Celebrate

Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! Happy Summer Solstice to those of us in the northern hemisphere and Happy Winter Solstice to all the folks down under. I’m doing my best to focus on the joyful aspects of this day (I’ve always been fond of the solstices and equinoxes) and will be spending as much time outside as I can.

I’ll also be celebrating a very big to me milestone. The rough draft of the novel I’m working on is done. LOL, when I say rough draft, I mean rough. I’ve got a bunch of notes that I need to refine, work through, and incorporate. I’ve got scenes that are more like quick verbal sketches of actions and mood. But all the pieces are there. Are you celebrating any little victories in your life?

For next Wednesday, Magaly would like us to write poetry or prose inspired by the idea of choosing between what is right and what seems easy.

On to celebrating the written word! Hit me with your word gems, poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction, old or new. Please be sure to keep all prose offerings to 369 words or fewer and one entry per person.


  1. Whee! Congratulations on completing your novel draft! A mighty effort! I realise there is more to do, but this major milestone deserves a pause for celebration.

    My local Goddess circle just had out Winter Solstice gathering; always beautifully restorative. It hardly compares with a novel, but I was asked to lead a meditation, and I'm pleased with what I wrote about moving from darkness to light, and the way people seemed to go really deep and came out looking renewed.

    1. Ah that sounds lovely. It's been ages since I've been to a proper group gathering... and I imagine it will be a good long time before I find someone to work with again.

  2. Happy Solstice!

    I too have always been fond of the solstices. Felt they should be celebrated and observed.
    Big gratulations on finishing a draft, to me that's an awesome achievement.

    I'm slowly beginning to accept that not only did I get accepted into at least one creative writing education I sought. I got into several! So now I have the luxury problem of choosing between them. And I will spend two terms writing more than ever before. I'm both overjoyed and a afraid for the coming year.

  3. Happy to hear of your writing progress Rommy. Wishing you many more creative minutes


  4. How exciting, Rommy! I have written two books that never really went anywhere, but what a feeling to complete them. Congrats!

  5. Congrats, Rommy.
    I think the fun part will be fitting all the pieces of notes and papers into the grand story (perhaps more additions and subtractions along the way) and finally holding the printed book in the hands. Then, that would be emotional. and awesome!

    1. I am really looking forward to that part. LOL, I have a bunch of notes ready to go and some jotted down books and websites to explore just to double check some things.

  6. Congratulations on getting the rough draft done!
    Summer is officially here, and so are hot temperatures where I live. 100 forecast today. I wrote prose today, and it's inspired by quite a strange painting!

    1. 100? Yikes! We sometimes see that in the Philly 'burbs, but it's not typical.

  7. Happiest Summer Solstice to you, Rommy! And huge congrats on the completed draft. I'm extremely jealous, in the best of ways.

    Happy readings, everyone!

    1. I'm chilling with the sun when it deigns to come out from behind the clouds. :D And thanks!

  8. Congrats on accomplishing the rough draft! Workers on our patio cut our internet cable and I was without internet for 4 days this week. I'm still playing catch-up!

    1. Eeeek! I'm glad you're back and hope that your patio looks nice and the internet stays on.

  9. I have linked here to the piece I wrote in response to this week’s The Sunday Muse. It is dark. It deals with choosing life, choosing tomorrow, even if tomorrow might be frightening. Or choosing suicide, the following car, in my piece, the one that never sees tomorrow — the Death Car.


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.