Sunday, June 28, 2020

Writers’ Pantry #26: “You can make anything by writing”

Greetings, poets and storytellers. Welcome to another Writers’ Pantry, where everyone is invited to share prose or poetry that is new or old, short or long (if going for prose, the wordcount should be 369 words or fewer). I hope you are well and that your muse is inspired. And yes, the state of the world is extra complicated at the moment. But we still have words, and words can always brew hope.

The Pantry stays open for a week. Feed the direct link to your contribution to Mr. Linky, one entry per participant. Visit other writers. Let them know what their words do for you.

Announcements and Reminders:

- in her latest Wild Fridays: Thought Provokers, Rosemary shares the poems “You Are Who I Love” by Aracelis Girmay and “I Don’t Know What Will Kill Us First: The Race War or What We’ve Done to the Earth” by Fatimah Asghar, and offers commentary which addresses current events and discusses where Poets and Storytellers United stands when it comes to the matter. If you missed it, do follow the link and join the conversation.

- for the next Weekly Scribblings, Sanaa wishes us “to write while inspired by pavement.” We can use the word as a metaphor, in a phrase, as an idiom, imagery…

Let’s say safe. Let’s do our best to stay healthy. Let’s stay writing.



  1. Thanks, Magaly. I love the idea that we can make anything by writing. (Why, so we can!)

  2. Happy Sunday. Thanks for opening the pantry to us Magaly


    1. You're most welcome, Gillina. Thank you for stopping by and joining in.

  3. My poem is kind of depressing, but I do love Sundays; thank you, Magaly.

    1. Well, you won't be alone--mine isn't particularly cheerful either...

  4. Thanks Magaly...Yes, you can make anything by writing. It is my salvation these days.

  5. Thank you for sharing the quote from C. S. Lewis, Magaly. He was a man of wisdom coupled with a true spirit of imagination. A rare person. "Make anything..."

    I made something that has brought out some emotions and a few tears. Maybe I should have something positive next time to make up for it, eh?

    I'm sorry but it's going to take another day or two in order to read through everyone's postings. Cheers!

    1. You are most welcome, Joel. May your next piece be exactly what you and your muse need--be it happy or not so much, balance is a good thing.

  6. "You can make anything by writing" - Thanks for the idea. This is really interesting and it inspires me to continue writing. I am glad to come across this site where everyone is wonderful and supportive of one another.

    1. Welcome! I am very happy you find Poets and Storytellers United interesting, and that our community inspires you to write.


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.