Sunday, April 26, 2020

Writers’ Pantry #17: Growing Safety

Yesterday, while exercising (and people watching) on my terrace, I noticed that almost everyone I saw wore a face mask. The sight made my day. Just a few weeks ago, I did my calisthenics with a scowl of disbelief (and frustration) on my face, since more than 50% of the faces I saw walking the streets and parks of New York were uncovered—if you have been watching the news, then you understand what that meant for a city with so many cases of Coronavirus. So, I am thankful to see people taking care of themselves and others by association. And I’m thankful for those of us who continue to share our words and feels (poems and stories are therapeutic gifts that keep on giving, and goodness knows most of world needs a whole lot of that right now).

Keeping that in mind, welcome to another Writers’ Pantry, dear Poets and Storytellers. This is an open link event. Contribute your poetry or prose, fiction or nonfiction, old or new. If you choose prose, the piece should be 369 words or fewer. Please, one entry per participant. Let’s share words that keep us going (or that remind us why we should).

But before we start feeding Mr. Linky, some Announcements and Reminders:     

- for her Wild Fridays #16: Roving the Web, our Rosemary offers a selection of laughter-infused-quarantine-inspired memes. As she suggests, our immune systems could probably use the boost. So, if you’ve yet to delight in the feature, follow the link and get your medicine.

-  this upcoming Wednesday, Sanaa tells us, “For certain, it’s enjambment”, and invites us to “write using the literary device Enjambment. Feel free to address the current world situation, or perhaps delve into a memory of your own. Challenge the reader, surprise us with humor and wit, go solemn and dark or perhaps tender and romantic.” The choice is all ours!

Stay safe, everyone.


  1. Thanks, Magaly, for brightening our lives with your hosting of this post; the mention of my last Friday feature; the pretty, sunlit not-your-average-flower pic; and the reminder about the value of our poems and stories. You rock!

    1. You are most welcome, Rosemary. I am so glad you like my flowers. I am happiest to say that the bees do too!

  2. Thanks for hosting Magaly. Good for you to remind everyone of the importance of face masks. I have yet to find them available locally (nor has anyone I've spoken to) and so I have sewed a couple of dozen of them by machine ... a bit of a slog and not nearly as much fun as writing and reading ... but I firmly believe that we all must do whatever we can to try to get to the other side of Corona - sooner, rather than later.

    Looking forward to a visit to the Pantry tomorrow.

    1. The shortage of face masks seems to be going on everywhere. I love that you are making them--your family and friends are lucky, since demand is so fierce. I ordered some reusable face masks for my father, and they took forever to get to him.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting Magaly, and yes, masks are very important, although I haven't worn mine yet, what with being an oldie and living under self-imposed house-arrest for more weeks than I can remember.
    Stay safe everyone.

    1. Around here, those of us who used to stay home before the pandemic (for one reason or another) have been making a lot of jokes about how we are great self-isolators because we have so much practice. Still, the choice to get out (and feel safe) if one wants to is always a nice one to have.

  4. Thank you for being s welcoming host, Magaly. Masks are still few and far between out here in the English countryside, but I know they are increasing in the towns and cities. I too am thankful for those of us who share poems, which are therapeutic indeed!

    1. I am so glad, Kim. Like I've said before, I hope your town is spared this mess.

  5. A safe and happy Sunday to our hostess Magaly thank you for inspiring us and lots of love to all present


  6. A safe and happy Sunday to all. We may not be infected but we are all affected by this to varying degrees. We're continuing to plant trees this weekend. There is hope for us all - Cheers!

    1. You are so right, Joel. This thing has touched everyone, even when the effects aren't completely obvious.

      I am so glad for new trees!

  7. Hope everyone is healthy and safe.

  8. The country is still on lockdown (till 1st June!)
    posting a little rant today, hope you understand. in the meantime, stay safe, everyone!

    1. We don't have a definite date for the end of quarantine, but the way things are going... June seems likely.

  9. Hope everyone stays safe. As you might imagine, masks are not that common in not locked down Sweden, where the experts don't recommend it, even if the frequency has risen sharply the last two weeks or so.

    1. At the beginning, they were not being recommended here either... mostly because they thought that if everyday people bought them all, then there would be none left for the first responders. Let's hope your experts have a much better (and less dangerous) reason.

  10. I posted quite late, so it will probably go unseen! It seems all the challenges come in rapid succession to mid-week, and then there's time to think!
    I just spent a pleasant Sunday afternoon reading all the entries. What a good group...even if we all are growing a bit stir crazy!

  11. I'm late, but here!! Hope everyone has a good week.


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