Sunday, April 12, 2020

Writers' Pantry #15: All About That Love

Hello Word Artists and Admirers! I hope that however you spend this Sunday, whether it’s celebrating Easter, observing Passover, or simply enjoying another morning sipping on your favorite beverage, that there’s plenty of room for love. What’s giving you the warm fuzzies today?

Announcements and Reminders

  • Rosemary shared a powerful piece, “and a good friday was had by all” by Australian poet Bruce Dawe, in her latest Wild Fridays piece. Definitely check it out if you haven’t had the chance to yet.
  • Magaly has been thinking Coronavirus and history thoughts. So, this upcoming Wednesday, for Weekly Scribblings #15, she says, “Poets and Storytellers Ink COVID-19 Quarantine Histories”, and invites us to write poetry or prose that describes an instant, or a day, or a week, or a month… during the current pandemic.

Now onto the pantry! We welcome all sorts of word offerings, poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction. Just remember, one post per person, and if you are going to go with prose, keep it to 369 words or fewer. Mr. Linky will be up all week.


    Rommy, rhanks for hosting.

  2. Thanks, Rommy.

    Today I enjoyed a big chocolate Easter egg for breakfast, having a long catch-up with a good friend by phone, sitting in the autumn sun in my back yard this afternoon, listening to a music video a friend who now lives overseas sent me because he knew it was one of my favourite tracks ... and yesterday I successfully hosted a writers' meeting on Jitsi Meet for the the first time. So yes, quite warm and fuzzy right now. (Smile.)

    1. Sounds like you had a great day! Today I'll be making masks, tackling a little laundry, and if I'm lucky play some video games with my husband.

    2. Sounds like your day was fantastic, Rosemary! 🙂

  3. I guess I should have written about a chocolate egg, but it's an onion for me.

    1. LOL, no worries. We celebrate all sorts of things here, and an onion works well in my book. :D

  4. Good day, everyone! Stay safe!
    over here, 6 days into a lockdown.

    1. My family started take precautions over a month ago, but things were more officially put into motion by schools/work/ state government about 4 weeks ago.

    2. I am so glad you are all taking precautions, Lee San!

    3. And you too, Rommy – very sensible of you to start early.

  5. Today, I got my warm fuzzies from having a procedure go a lot better (and faster) than expected. Also, a plant I thought the wind had murdered seems to be holding on to green. Stay safe (and musical), my dear Rommy!

    Happy readings, everyone.

    1. A little time back in a busy day is a wonderful thing. I am glad the plant is holding on. :)

  6. Happy Sunday and happy Easter to all! Have a beautiful day.

  7. Happy Easter everyone!

    Have had my hands full and little inspiration to participate lately. But today I felt I managed some real hope and joy. So I hope to spread some of it! ❤️

  8. Happy Easter! I'm back with the third installment of Voodoo Annie

  9. Not that I need it, but Mr. Linky was supposed to be up all week. It's only Tuesday, and sadly he has expired. RIP, Mr. Linky.


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