Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Weekly Scribblings #15: Poets and Storytellers Ink COVID-19 Quarantine Histories

Greetings, word lovers. In a world where so much is changing, it feels quite good to say that. So, I’ll say it again, a little louder, “Greetings, word lovers!” I hope today offers you (and me) at least one thing to smile (even laugh) about—disaster just shouldn’t have the last laugh.

Around the world, different individuals and some groups have been collecting COVID-19 quarantine inspired stories. The tales are being told through photographs, through song, through ink. For today’s prompt, I invite you to partake in the latter. Let’s write new prose or poetry which describes an instant, or a day, or a week, or a month… during the current pandemic. I would love it if most of our contributions were Slices of Life, but it is not a requirement. Your entry can be fiction or nonfiction, the choice is always yours.

Add the direct link to your contribution to Mr. Linky—one per participant, please. If you choose to write prose, do let your count be 369 words or fewer. This prompt shall remain open until next Wednesday. Visit other poets and storytellers. Let’s ink history.


  1. Good idea, Magaly. I'm sure we'll all have plenty of anecdotes by now!

  2. Looking forward to today's stories, mine is set in a minimalist form:senryu
    A Blessed Wednesday to everyone

    much love...

    1. Me, too, Gillena. And I think senryu and cherita and tanka are perfect forms to illustrate the times. Be well.

  3. Happy Wednesday, everyone. I'll see what the muse can come up with!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Too many spelling errors, fast fingers! Thanks for an intriguing challenge. Stay safe and healthy.

    3. It happens to us all! Stay safe, too, Helen.

  4. Evening, Bards! Thanks, Magaly! Happy April 15th! Halfway there for all us NaPoWriMo masochists! :)

    1. You're most welcome, Frank. And thank you for sharing that glimpse of your classroom.

  5. Linked, with apologies to Magaly for not finishing (barely finishing) this piece in good time for her excellent COVID-19 history prompt … I'm currently filling the hours by sewing 18 COVID masks for my circle of nearest and dearest - several of whom are taking turns, grocery shopping for Mike and I. Great prompt, Magaly.


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