Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Writings #94: Storm, Ink, Love

Greetings, my dear poets and storytellers. I hope you and your muse are doing well. I’m currently recovering from an immune system flare up and my muse is just annoyed—she keeps wanting more than my flesh and bones and I can provide. All right, my muse just glared at me inside my head, so I shan’t tell you more about her issues (she’s sensitive *cough*).

Let’s move on to today’s optional prompt instead: write poetry or prose which includes the words storm, ink, and love. The words can be used in any order or form. So, be stormy, have inky thoughts, feel extra loving and such… 


Required: Post the response on your blog. Add the direct link to your post to Mister Linky. One post per person, please, 369 words maximum (excluding title), for prose and for poetry.

Optional: You may share an old or a new piece, in poetry or prose, and you may write to the prompt or to a topic of your choosing. If you wish to say hello or have any questions, leave a note in the comments section below.

Requested (not compulsory but strongly recommended): Visit other writers and storytellers. Read their contributions. Share your thoughts on their words.

for next week, Rommy will invite us to work with the idea of “losing track of time(the phrase doesn’t have to be used, but the idea should be part of your poetry or prose).



  1. Thanks for making me take up pen and ink again, to give my brain a workout. :-)

  2. Love, Storm and Ink. 3 elements of misery, yeah!

  3. Sorry! I kept to one word, instead of three...

  4. After a late start due to a pressing assignment, I wrote something for the prompt, and I'm so glad I did! I love what it pulled out of me – and it's good to be reminded of how valuable a prompt can be.

    1. That is fantastic, Rosemary. Can't wait to read it.

      Also, I hope the "pressing assignment" is all done and to your satisfaction.

  5. Thank you for the prompt - it got me started on my Emily Dickinson series. This is my first and I used all three words.

  6. All it prompted for me was a memory of Inky-kitten, wriggling and purring like a little thundercloud when petted...oh well! Kittens are fun, and so was writing a senryu about one.

    She's someone else's fat, lazy old cat now, of course.

  7. Purple Pen, I'm glad your ink's refreshed by now and the experience left you a lovely triolet. Please consider installing Disqus. Your site is currently filtering comments through F******k!

  8. The best prompt yet! I could have gone on for pages, but stopped at 369 words. I know because I counted them. Honest!

    1. LOL! So glad you enjoyed the prompt. And your counting exercise. 😁


  9. colleen - IF you glance this way - It seems I seldom am ever able to post on your comments. Your set up is different than most people and for some reason I don't seem to be able to figure it out.

    1. You aren't able to see the comment form at the end of Colleen's posts?

  10. Have not visited in a while, for reasons too many to mention — but I needed to stop by today… missed P&ST.


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.