Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday Writing #53 Ordinary


Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! I’m taking a beat to enjoy the small stretch of ordinariness between the frenzy of the US election season and the beginning of the hectic holiday season.  To honor that, I’ve decided to make the word “ordinary” the optional prompt for this week. What does it bring up for you? I’ll take those thoughts, or any others you care to share, in either poetry or prose form. Both fiction and non-fiction are welcome. Just please limit yourself to one entry per person and 369 words or fewer for your post.

For next week’s prompt, Rosemary will invite you to write to a stranger.


  1. It's a wonderful prompt, Rommy! I love the specialness in the ordinary. However, I needed to post the piece on my third grandfather this week, and I think he was extraordinary.

  2. It's fun to ponder the ordinary because extraordinary is always the flip side of that coin. :)

  3. Love this prompt ... when we expect a situation to be ordinary and it morphs into something extraordinary .... the bells and whistles sound!

  4. I posted the link to a piece I first published in 2007, that focused on something considered drastic, controversial, even un-american at one point in time, which is now considered quite ordinary.

  5. Good day, Poets & Storytellers!
    Maybe I will attempt this prompt another day, but today I am posting a list poem (if that can be called). I am spending more time at my other blog than on my main one, there are many projects going on at the same time. 😆 But I really enjoyed the writing and research. And hey, the World Cup (starting in a couple of days) is a distraction for writing. 😁

    1. Oh, the World Cup! Thanks for the reminder.

    2. LOL, I imagine my dad is glued to his TV too for that


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