Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Weekly Scribblings #61: Starting a New Relationship

G’day, dear wordsmiths; welcome again to Weekly Scribblings.

A week ago Magaly encouraged us to look at troubled relationships – a cathartic topic for many!

Now I’m changing the focus and asking you to write about starting a new relationship – largely because I am in the process of doing that right now! I’ll tell you more about it at my blog, and I look forward to reading what you have to say on the subject.

As always, one link per person please; either poetry or prose is welcome; and we ask you to keep prose pieces to a maximum of 369 words (excluding title).

Of course, not all relationships are with other human beings....

Image from Unsplash, by Hector Falcon.

Happy writing, folks, and happy reading too!


  1. Good evening all. Fun write again, Thank You, Rosemary. It's past midnight here and I hurried it up a little. A busy day comes tomorrow.

    1. Oh yes,

    2. Thanks, Jim. I appreciate that you made sure to participate here before your big day ahead.

  2. Happy St Patrick's Day, Rosemary and United Poets and Storytellers. I will have to think about the prompt as I haven't made any new relationships in the past year, at least not that I know of. I'll get back to you on that!

  3. I just remembered a piece of prose I wrote for dVerse on Monday that kind of fits the bill.

    1. Oh, good. I was going to say, you can write from memory about an old relationship when it was beginning – but all the better that you've found something which fits. I'll be over to have a read a bit later.

  4. Re my post about my Rosemary plant: Best Wishes and happy gardening. This my second time buying a plant. At the plant shop i was told not to water the whole plant, just water it at the soil. Try that.

    Happy you dropped by

    1. Thanks for the hint. At present I am not watering mine at all, because we have been subjected to heavy rains – but so far it'x surviving well.

  5. Late to the party Rosemary, but was moved to contribute. Congrats on the new relationship! :)

    1. BTW — I drove within the romance rails.

    2. You certainly did! And very romantic it was to read.


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