Sunday, December 6, 2020

Writers Pantry #49: Get Your Binge On!

Hello, Word Artists and Admirers! American Thanksgiving may have come and gone, but we’re still eating well at House Driks. Darling Eldest has discovered he’s not half bad at making banana bread. And Darling Youngest is continuing their kitchen experiments to test out new ways to take in their seasonal favorite, pumpkin spice.

It looks like it’s going to be another long, cold winter under quarantine here in the US, but at least we’ve got no shortage of comfort food to binge on. And I’m enjoying some comfort viewing too. I’ve taken a break from anything serious, and am enjoying lighter stuff, like Schitt’s Creek. Have you watched anything that got you laughing recently?

For those of you who can't get enough, here's the full autotuned version.

Looking forward to the week ahead, Rosemary will be asking us to choose one letter of the alphabet to use multiple times in our writing, like she did in this poem for the letter 'm'.

So now it's time to share your words, old or new, poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction. One submission per person please, and if you decide to share prose, please keep it to 369 words or fewer.


  1. I haven't been doing so much bingeing in terms of watching Netflix etc., except for The Queen's Gambit, which was an absolute treat. Instead I've been immersing myself in the written word, in the form of Regency Romances. Georgette Heyer remains the queen of the genre, and I've been re-reading her oeuvre, but I've also discovered several contemporary authors who do them very well too. Luckily I also discovered Kindle Unlimited, which enables me to devour them rapidly without it costing me a small fortune.

    1. LOL, I should have mentioned books as well. I've been keeping things light there too, reading mostly rom-coms. I love that my library has contactless pick up and e-book loans.

      My husband saw The Queen's Gambit and absolutely loved it.

  2. Hello Poets and Storytellers, I hope you're all keeping well. I can't believe it's December already... Today my hubby and I celebrate our umpteenth wedding anniversary, so I might be slow in visiting your cyber homes but I'll sure be reading you. :) Have a peaceful Sunday!

  3. I am a huge Netflix binger. Happy Sunday to all at the pantry today


  4. Happy Sunday to one and all. Cheers for hosting Rommy!
    Anna :o]

  5. Good day, everyone!
    it's almost midnight & Monday morning here already. i don't know where the rest of the day had gone to. 😀

  6. We are still eating pulled pork. The pasteles and sweet potato casserole didn't make it beyond Friday--they were really good! On the visual binging side, I recently went through at least half of first season of Love, Death and Robots, on Netflix. If you ever get the chance, try watching the episode titled "Three Robots", "When the Yogurt Took Over", and "Alternate Histories". They are freaking hysterical. But the last of those three, in particular, should not be watched with the kids *cough*.

    Happiest readings, everyone!

    1. P.S. I've yet to give Schitt’s Creek a chance. But I think I will. We can all use a bit (or a lot) of lighthearted these days--besides, the mispronunciation mayhem my accent and I can create with that title is already making me grin. 😁

    2. There's a bit of duck left (it was very, very rich to eat too much of in one sitting) but that's about it. Sweet potato anything goes fast in my house, especially when Darling Youngest and I get hit with a mood for it.

  7. My culinary contribution to the festive let's be jolly and merry season ~~~ a very heavy fruitcake I baste every few days with fine rum. Should be ready for toasting the New Year! The funniest thing I have seen in ages and watch at least once a day .. a uTube video of dogs and one cat dressed as humans sitting around the table while music plays and they eat/drink. Every animal reminded me of a family member ~ I do not jest. I am the cat sitting at the head of the table. It's hard catching my breath I laugh so hard.

    1. That video sounds adorable! And a slice of the cake sound good too.

  8. Happy Sunday! I'm not watching much tv, unless you count Youtube, but I intend to read a lot over the next couple of weeks. :)

  9. Thank you for hosting this writer's pantry.

  10. Love Schitts Creek! Also enjoying "Hell on Wheels" - NOT a comedy!


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