Sunday, August 30, 2020

Writers’ Pantry #35: Change Happens (for the Better, Let’s Hope)

Let me start today’s Pantry by saying that our Rosemary isn’t leaving us.

If you’ve no idea what that first sentence is about, please follow this link to the last Wild Fridays. Yep, Rosemary will no longer offer Friday features, but she will start hosting the Writers’ Pantry and Weekly Scribblings with Rommy and me. As you might have already deduced, this means that Poets and Storytellers United is going from 3 weekly posts to 2.

But worry not, my beloved poets and storytellers, many of our prompts—especially the ones on Wednesdays—will share a lot of the wonderful information Rosemary used to delight us with on her Wild Fridays. With that in mind, we hope that most of us will not only link our contributions to Mr. Linky but also share our thoughts about the posts in the comment section.

Announcements and Reminders (summary and reminders might be more accurate today):

- if you’ve yet to read Rosemary’s last Wild Fridays, please follow the link and take a look-see. The post is full of heartfelt reflections. The same is true about the comments.

- for our next Weekly Scribblings, Rommy would like us “to get to work on writing about rest”. I dont know about you, but Im looking forward to writing and reading new poetry and prose about taking a break (or 3) in what seems to be an eternally busy world.

Now, let’s open today’s Pantry! Link poetry or prose (stories, letters, articles, reviews…). Let your contribution be new or old, fiction or nonfiction, short or long (prose should be 369 words or fewer). This pantry will remain open for a week—time to share, read, and comment.

quote by Rumi, moon image by Jordan


  1. Replies
    1. I hope that 'Phew!' was about me not leaving, Kim. How very gratifying. (Smile.)

  2. Thanks, Magaly for hositng the Pantry and for clarifying my new position! I'm very much looking forward to doing prompts, a new role for me here.

    1. You're most welcome, Rosemary. I am looking forward to your prompts. I suspect they will be fun and rich.

  3. Good Morning to all linked in. Thank you Magaly for being our hostess today

    much love...

  4. Good day, everyone!
    It's almost midnight here, will be reading the poems later. 😃

  5. Hello, everyone, and happy Sunday! I'm glad that Rosemary is beginning to host some of the other prompts. :) I'll write and post something today and then read all of your wonderful writings! <3


Please be respectful of all the people on this site, as each individual writer is entitled to their own opinion, style, and path to creativity.