Sunday, January 19, 2020

Writers’ Pantry #3: Be Warm

Greetings, poets and storytellers, I hope January is being good to you. Things are quiet around these parts—New York City is feeling frosty (which is quite all right, since I have a cup of hot coffee and the thought of your words to warm up the mood).

Here we go…

If you’ve yet to read Rosemary’s last Wild Fridays: Roving the Web, you should definitely give it a go. Not just because we get to hear (and see) her read, but also because she shares details about her video poetry experience. Also, the comments are very interesting and informative.

Wondering about Wednesday? Well, wonder no more: the topic for Sanaa’s upcoming Weekly Scribblings is “Salt-Water Poems”, she wishes for our muses to write while inspired by the sea.

Today, for our 3rd Writers’ Pantry, I invite you to link a poem, or a story, or a slice of life, or a letter… Let your contribution be new or old, short or longish—the word choice is yours (if you are linking prose, however, please choose to make it 369 words or fewer). So… let us feed Mr. Linky. He shall stay hungry until Tuesday night.

Be well. Be wild (if you like). Be warm (if you love).

And yes, I do understand that I might have a parenthesis problem (cough).



  1. Thank you for the opportunity to share. I hope everyone has a happy Sunday.

  2. It's not even eight o'clock in the morning and I'm watching a handsome cock pheasant on our old shed roof. He seems to be looking for the other cock pheasant he's been having daily, rather loud confrontations with. I wonder if they are fighting over an attractive hen pheasant I've spotted... Happy Sunday everyone!

    1. Oooh! Fowl intrigue in the early morning. How cool is that?

      Happy Sunday to you, too, Kim.

  3. Warm is good! Neither too cold nor too hot. Wishing us all good weather, good writing and good reading.

    1. Three wonderful wishes. And three being such a good number, the wishes will of course come true.

      Wishing you the same, Rosemary, with extra energy on the good weather bit.

  4. A pleasure to be with you all. Not at all warm here in upstate New York. There's a layer of snow to remove before I can get the day really going.

  5. Wishes for a Happy Sunday to all here

    much love...

  6. I fully understand your parenthesis problem. Personally, I have an exclamation point problem! Kudos to you and Rosemary for the tremendous amount of work that surely has gone into this conversion. I love that Storytellers are being given a platform as well! (There's that exclamation point …. oh well ….)

    1. The parentheses, exclamation points (and ellipses...) struggle is real! We might need a support group, lol!

      Thank you, Beverly.

    2. LOL. I have all of the above afflictions too.

      And yes, thanks from me too for the kudos.

  7. Just a balmy -1F (-18C) at the homestead this morning after a winter storm. Shoveling on Saturday means recovering on Sunday. I finally get time today to read on the same day of a Pantry or Scribblings.

    1. I hope the storm didn't hit you too hard. Enjoy the recovery (and reading) time.

  8. Good morning, all, and good morning and thank you Magaly for hosting us. Finally a day without shoveling. Just waiting for the little mountains of snow to melt while I drink my tea and read your lovely words.

    1. The sun has taken care of most of our snow. Something that made some of the young people around here very irritated, because they were dreaming sledding dreams. Hope you enjoy your tea!

  9. Good Morning, putting my boots on and off with grandchildren. Will be back to catch up with all... for some delightful reading.

  10. If the only problem you have is a parenthesis one, then you're in fine shape! :)

  11. I have posted but will be back later to read and comment, when I am a bit sharper. Have a good Sunday y'all

  12. I don't do early morning these days and unfortunately January is being a bitch.

    1. But what you did, whenever you did it, was worth waiting for!

    2. What Rosemary said!

      Also, I hope the rest of January is better to you, dear Susie.


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