Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday Writings #157: Holiday Anxieties

Greetings, poets and storytellers. Can you believe 2024 is about to bite the dust? Me neither. I know most of us say the same every year, but that doesn’t make it untrue. One more year is ending much too soon. Or, perhaps, not soon enough. Time shall tell… 

This holiday season, in my bit of the world, a significant number of humans are extra worried about finances, about those they love, and all is made worse by current political tensions. Since I believe that one of the most effective ways to deal with stress monsters (and other nasty demons) is to face them write on (typo totally intended), for our last optional prompt of 2024, I invite you to write poetry or prose inspired by holiday anxieties. Said anxieties can be personal or general, real or imagined (which we all know doesn’t really make them unreal).

Please, add the direct link to your response to Mister Linky. One post per participant. 369 words maximum, for prose and for poetry. You may share old or new pieces. You may write to the prompt or to a topic of your choosing. Try visiting other poets and storytellers. Read their words. Comment on their anxiety-inspired weavings.

the holiday season (and beyond)… we will be taking a couple of weeks off to celebrate or despair over the end of the year. This is our last post for 2024. We shall return on January 3, 2025. On that day, our Rommy will guide us into a new year by inviting us to write about what comes to mind when we see the word “prioritize”.

May your Holiday Season be full of wonder and love.



  1. Hi Magaly and Guys -- It's been since lat July that I've posted. I wrote this piece to play and had it on my Facebook. When I saw what is going on here I decided it would fit well, just not a good solution for the situation. (
    I hope to start blogging in the new year. I've had a Knee Joint replacement surgery and are almost as good as I will get. Been doing home Therapy and also going to 'the place' for a therapist two or three times a week. Other things too, very busy.

    1. What an eventful life you lead, dear Jim! I'm glad the new knee is good, and trust it will improve your festive season.

    2. So glad you're back, Jim. Hop the knee continues to get even better!

  2. Wishing all of us Happy Holidays and a Great 2025! Catch you next year ~~~


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